My time management skills are almost non- existent. My plan is to create a 'To Do' list everyday for three weeks (supposedly this is the amount of time it takes to change a habit) before I go to bed. I think it's going to put into perspective exactly how much work I have to do and when I can do it.
I plan on scanning in a list daily. The idea of putting it up on my blog means that I have physically wrote down that I am going to do this, and if I don't do this I will look bad, and I don't like looking bad- this is my incentive.
Jan 21
-Today is the first day and is only half a day so will not be as long (I would imagine).
Todays 'To Do's':
- Create some direction sheets for my moving image and info graphics piece.
- Talk to Amber about general direction, see if it's all going good. Or not.
- Get yesterdays moving image Flash induction up on blog.
- Take a picture of my bag and trace on Illustrator.
- Put yesterdays scans on Practice and context blog.
Jan 24

Jan 25
Jan 26
-Get some more secondary research together about money- given my new direction.
-Do some more design sheets for sure- lacking in that area.
-Scan in Vis lang work for blog.
Jan 27
- Update blog in general.
- Check out work for the 'design for screen' brief. Get on that.
Jan 28
- Print everything off for the crit.
- Get on with whatever comes out of the crit.
Jan 31
- Complete current infographic.
- Do some more primary research for current direction.
- Get on with final design.
- Scan everything in on blog.
Feb 1
- Print images off for Vis Lang.
- Update blog.
Feb 2
Feb 3
Feb 4
-Print off current poster designs for the crit.
Feb 7
-Work on the posters, make amendments from fridays crit.
Feb 8
Feb 10
Feb 11
Feb 14
- Sort out leaflet- finalise.
- Print off final resolutions.
- Get images up on blog.
Feb 15
Feb 16