Monday 26 September 2011

Second Year

Five reasons why I have chosen to study on this programme:
- To be pushed to my limits, out of my comfort zone.
- Diversity.  A broad range of disciplines are focused on and available to take advantage of.  I get to find out what I truly like and what I am good at.
- Reputation of the course.
- Equipment available to me.
- The amount of studio time.  Being able to talk to peers and tutors pretty much anytime I want.

Five things I want to learn during my time on the programme:
- To better my technical skills.  i.e. Adobe suite.
- What areas of graphic design I enjoy the most and am the best at.
- A better understanding of the industry.
- How to get the best out of every brief I am set.
- Better time management.

Five skills I think are my strengths:
- Concepts.
- Hands on print processes.
- Delagation.
- Organisation.
- Layout.

Five things I want to improve:
- Print processes.
- Group work.
- Presentation skills.  
- Confidence within my own work.
- Time management.

Five ways I will evaluate my progress:
- Always annotate/evaluate my development on my blog as I go.
- Engaging in crits.
- Asking peers/tutors questions- taking them on board.
- Evaluating at the end of modules.
- Setting myself daily/weekly/monthly goals and reviewing whether I have completed them.

Five questions I want to find the answer to:
- Who am I as a designer?
- What is my place in the industry?
- Where do I want to go for work experience/placement/internship in the summer?
- What do I excel in?