Tuesday, 15 February 2011

End of Module self evaluation.

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
Throughout this module I have definitely developed my 'Adobe Illustrator' skills.  It has been more self driven than tutor taught unlike the Photoshop induction.  I have used Illustrator more so in 'Collection 100' than any other brief.  It has been the main focus in the majority of my designs and I feel I have finally got to grips with the basics of Illustrator as well as some more advanced techniques- I am now confident using the programme to create physical designs initially in my mind.

What approaches to/methods have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
Throughout this module I think that my research methods have highly developed- specifically primary research (qualitative and quantitative).  I think i've been able to recognise what research is relevant to my project so that I can successfully communicate my message and create more informed designs.  For example, in the Collection 100 brief I did a lot of primary research concerning money and people's thoughts, I communicated this research through three different infographic designs that visualised and solidified it.  I think I realised research played such an integral part in my designs after the 'What if...' brief, which, I feel was lacking slightly in primary research.  However, in the 'Collection 100' brief I had full control to do what I wished an applied this research accordingly.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
Surprisingly in this module I have been more happy with my visual resolutions and how they have turned out.  For example in the Collection 100 brief I am happy with the way my three posters look.  They are visually engaging and in my opinion just nice to look at.  I plan on capitalising on this by incorporating strong concepts with visually engaging resolutions.

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?
In contrast to the 'strengths' I think my weakness in this module has been fully formed concepts.  I think that in the previous module I have developed strong concepts and failed to produce a strong visual resolution.  Whereas now, specifically in Collection 100 my ideas have lacked depth and consistency.  I will address this issue in future by always referring back to the brief to keep my thoughts on track.  
I also found that I took to long in the decision making process.  This is relevant to the 'What if...' brief along with the 'Collection 100' brief.  My development took form too late on in both briefs because I was waiting for an amazing idea when I should've just worked with what I had and capitalised on this.  Next module I plan on constantly working whether I think it is good or not rather than stressing out because I don't fell I have the best idea possible.  The key is just getting on with it.

Identify five things you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
- Experiment more with different mediums.  I think this will create a more successful final resolution because I      will know what works well and what is most relevant for the target audience.  
- Book myself in the digital print room.  I found that this became an issue when it came to printing my final resolutions.  Rather than stressing out and coming in at 8 in the morning for drop in I need to pre-plan and book a place so that everything is ready in time for if amendments need to be made.
- I need to be constantly going back to the brief.  This will force me to think about every decision I make and remind me that they have to have a reason behind them.
- Blog.  Everyday.  I think that I fell short this module in keeping up-to-date with blogging.  Though I think there is a sufficient amount of work here I also think that if it was done on the day it would've been more in depth as it is fresh in my mind.
- Read more.  More specifically the recommended books in specific briefs.  I think there is a lot more to learn and I could also solidify what I have learned in taught sessions by doing this.  This will develop my skills in less of a design sense and more of a theoretical sense- one which I think I am lacking.

How would you grade yourself on the following areas?
Attendance:                                       5
Punctuality:                                       5
Motivation:                                        4
Commitment:                                     4
Quantity of work produced:               3
Quality of work produced:                 3
Contribution to the group:                 4

Final Resolutions, Collection 100

Progress Crit, Book works

Monday, 7 February 2011

Visual Language brief: 'Book Works'

Brief title:
Book Works

The brief:
Come to a final book design revolving around and incorporating scaffolding and 'a's.

Experiment with a wide variation of different media, i.e.screenprint; illustration; stitching etc.  Come to a resolution that reflects the idea and creates a strong concept.

Target audience:
Anyone who is interested in the construction/ anatomy of type.  
General type enthusiasts.

Tone of voice:


Mandatory requirements:
All images should be supported by a broad range of visual investigation in the form of design sheets and notebooks.
An edition of ten books.

An edition of ten books.

Studio Deadline:
1st March.

Collection 100, Course crit.

The feedback above is from the first crit.  We left only our final resolutions in the studio whilst the tutors analysed them.  Once they had finished we were told what they thought they were lacking, what we could do to improve them and what to just scrap all together.  This crit was based on the idea that the work has to speak for itself without us being there to explain it.  The general feedback I got was that the pieces were visually strong, but the concept was lacking depth.

The feedback below was from the final crit.  Here we left our final resolutions with all of our development work and received feedback from our peers.  I found that sometimes the feedback was pointless and un-constructive.  However, the feedback that I did find constructive I am going to take on board and consider before the module hand-in.