The idea behind the 'wavy' type is that it is supposed to
represent the phonetics of the sentence. Intonation and
There is a reason behind it.
So, I chose this look for my work because I felt it was what
the studio would respond to having it sent to them. Taking
an existing quote from them in an interview you have to
actively seek out shows that I know what they are about,
and they know that I am a professional.
"I'm trying not to be so fucking boring."
The idea behind this poster was to send it to SNASK in
Stockholm. Again, the type represents enunciation and an
audio focus on certain parts of words.
The idea for this poster came from my research into SNASK.
- they had tweeted that they had been interviewed yet the
swearword had been edited out:
I'm going to Sweden....trying not to be more interesting, THUS
resulting in not being so fucking boring....hopefully.
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